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Generates random data with given schema. Allows to populate test tables with data. Not all types are supported.

generateRandom(['name TypeName[, name TypeName]...', [, 'random_seed'[, 'max_string_length'[, 'max_array_length']]]])


  • name — Name of corresponding column.
  • TypeName — Type of corresponding column.
  • random_seed — Specify random seed manually to produce stable results. If NULL — seed is randomly generated.
  • max_string_length — Maximum string length for all generated strings. Defaults to 10.
  • max_array_length — Maximum elements for all generated arrays or maps. Defaults to 10.

Returned Value

A table object with requested schema.

Usage Example

SELECT * FROM generateRandom('a Array(Int8), d Decimal32(4), c Tuple(DateTime64(3), UUID)', 1, 10, 2) LIMIT 3;
│ [77] │ -124167.6723 │ ('2061-04-17 21:59:44.573','3f72f405-ec3e-13c8-44ca-66ef335f7835') │
│ [32,110] │ -141397.7312 │ ('1979-02-09 03:43:48.526','982486d1-5a5d-a308-e525-7bd8b80ffa73') │
│ [68] │ -67417.0770 │ ('2080-03-12 14:17:31.269','110425e5-413f-10a6-05ba-fa6b3e929f15') │
CREATE TABLE random (a Array(Int8), d Decimal32(4), c Tuple(DateTime64(3), UUID)) engine=Memory;
INSERT INTO random SELECT * FROM generateRandom() LIMIT 2;
SELECT * FROM random;
│ [] │ 68091.8197 │ ('2037-10-02 12:44:23.368','039ecab7-81c2-45ee-208c-844e5c6c5652') │
│ [8,-83,0,-22,65,9,-30,28,64] │ -186233.4909 │ ('2062-01-11 00:06:04.124','69563ea1-5ad1-f870-16d8-67061da0df25') │

In combination with generateRandomStructure:

SELECT * FROM generateRandom(generateRandomStructure(4, 101), 101) LIMIT 3;
│ 1996-04-15 06:40:05 │ 33954608387.2844801 │ ['','','','','','','','',''] │ 45d9:2b52:ab6:1c59:185b:515:c5b6:b781 │
│ 2063-01-13 01:22:27 │ 36155064970.9514454 │ [''] │ c65a:2626:41df:8dee:ec99:f68d:c6dd:6b30 │
│ 2090-02-28 14:50:56 │ 3864327452.3901373 │ [''] │ 57e9:5229:93ab:fbf3:aae7:e0e4:d1eb:86b │

With missing structure argument (in this case the structure is random):

SELECT * FROM generateRandom() LIMIT 3;
│ -128 │ 317300854 │ 2030-08-16 08:22:20.65 │ 1994-08-16 12:08:56.745 │ R0qgiC46 │
│ 40 │ -744906827 │ 2059-04-16 06:31:36.98 │ 1975-07-16 16:28:43.893 │ PuH4M*MZ │
│ -55 │ 698652232 │ 2052-08-04 20:13:39.68 │ 1998-09-20 03:48:29.279 │ │

With random seed both for random structure and random data:

SELECT * FROM generateRandom(11) LIMIT 3;
│ -77422512305044606600216318673365695785 │ 636812099959807642229.503817849012019401335326013846687285151335352272727523 │ -34944452809785978175157829109276115789694605299387223845886143311647505037529 │ 544473976 │ 111220388331710079615337037674887514156741572807049614590010583571763691328563 │ 22016.22623506465 │ {'2052-01-31 20:25:33':4306400876908509081044405485378623663,'1993-04-16 15:58:49':164367354809499452887861212674772770279,'2101-08-19 03:07:18':-60676948945963385477105077735447194811,'2039-12-22 22:31:39':-59227773536703059515222628111999932330} │ a7b2:8f58:4d07:6707:4189:80cf:92f5:902d │ 1950-07-14 │
│ -159940486888657488786004075627859832441 │ 629206527868163085099.8195700356331771569105231840157308480121506729741348442 │ -53203761250367440823323469081755775164053964440214841464405368882783634063735 │ 2187136525 │ 94881662451116595672491944222189810087991610568040618106057495823910493624275 │ 1.3095786748458954e-104 │ {} │ a051:e3da:2e0a:c69:7835:aed6:e8b:3817 │ 1943-03-25 │
│ -5239084224358020595591895205940528518 │ -529937657954363597180.1709207212648004850138812370209091520162977548101577846 │ 47490343304582536176125359129223180987770215457970451211489086575421345731671 │ 1637451978 │ 101899445785010192893461828129714741298630410942962837910400961787305271699002 │ 2.4344456058391296e223 │ {'2013-12-22 17:42:43':80271108282641375975566414544777036006,'2041-03-08 10:28:17':169706054082247533128707458270535852845,'1986-08-31 23:07:38':-54371542820364299444195390357730624136,'2094-04-23 21:26:50':7944954483303909347454597499139023465} │ 1293:a726:e899:9bfc:8c6f:2aa1:22c9:b635 │ 1924-11-20 │

Note: generateRandom(generateRandomStructure(), [random seed], max_string_length, max_array_length) with large enough max_array_length can generate really huge output due to possible big nesting depth (up to 16) of complex types (Array, Tuple, Map, Nested).

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